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Li-Ion Battery Monitoring and Control Module for Spacecraft


The new Li-ion battery monitoring and control module is designed to neutralize the voltage unbalance of battery cells and to collect and compile telemetric data on key parameters of the battery.


  • Feed DC voltage range: 23 to 34 V.
  • Voltage measurement and binary coding on 23 batteries.
  • Range of voltage values: -1.5 to 4.5 V.
  • Working voltage range: 2.7 to 4.2 V.
  • Absolute error of working range measurement: ±10 mV.
  • Input resistance of voltage measuring circuits: at least 100 kOhm across entire operating temperature range.
  • Temperature measurement error: ±1̊C.
  • Battery balancing current: 0.2—0.4 A.


  1. The module makes it possible to achieve the optimal operating properties and maximum life of the Li-ion battery.
  2. High reliability due to implementation of the backup principle.
  3. Can be used outside of a pressurized container.
  4. Service life: 15 years.


Li-ion and other types of batteries.