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TUSUR Researchers & Publications

TUSUR researchers are at the forefront of their fields and communicate actively their new knowledge to the international academic community.  Every year they publish hundreds of articles, conference papers and books. Many can be met online and in this rubric you can get acquainted with the most cited of them as well the contact information for the most distinguished TUSUR professors.

Efim Oks

Doctor of Engineering, professor
Department of Physics
E-mail: oks@fet.tusur.ru



Stanislav Shandarov

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor
Department of Electronic Devices
E-mail: stanislavshandarov@gmail.com



Mikhail Mikhailov

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor
Department of Electronic Devices
E-mail: membrana2010@mail.ru



Alexander Moskovchenko

Doctor of Physics, professor
Department of Philosophy and Sociology
E-mail: maled@sibmail.com



Leonid Babak

Doctor of Engineering, professor
Department of Computer Control and Design Systems
E-mail: leonid.babak@mail.ru



Vladimir Tarasenko

Doctor of Engineering, professor
Department of Data Processing Automation
E-mail: vtara54@mail.ru



Arcady Mandel

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor
Department of Microwave and Quantum Radio Engineering
E-mail: mandelae@svch.tusur.ru