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International workshop «Global Entrepreneurship in Technology» (GET INTERNATIONAL @TUSUR)

The International Workshop «GET International@TUSUR» is the first in a series of events aimed at involving foreign and national students from TUSUR and students from partner universities in joint project activities to develop, create and commercialize technologies.

The purpose of the conference is to facilitate sharing the practices and opinions on the role of engineering universities in achieving the goals of Russian economy modernization, advanced forms of scientific, technical and methodological support for innovative education, new developments and achievements in educational technologies, problems of humanization and humanitarization in modern higher engineering education. In 2018 it is a part of a bigger annual forum U-NOVUS, held in Tomsk on October 10-12, 2018.

Russian and foreign experts in the field of international IT entrepreneurship present their experience and cases, as well as give the insights about Russian and international practices of creating international IT-companies, tell about the main challenges and difficulties that companies face when working in global markets. During two days participants, guided by a team of facilitators, have an opportunity to work on real cases, provided by acting IT companies to enhance their internationalization prospects.

Contact information

For details, registration and other information, please contact:
Maria Afanasyeva, e-mail: ama@main.tusur.ru, tel.: +7 (3822) 510-804
Address: 40, prospect Lenina (room 217), Tomsk, Russia 634050
Workshop Website: get2018.tusur.ru

Maria Afanasyeva

Vice director/Russian-French Center/Division of International cooperation

  40, prospect Lenina (room 217), Tomsk, Russia 634050

  +7 (3822) 510-804
