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TUSUR Scientific Session

The International scientific conference for Bachelor, Master and PhD students TUSUR Scientific Session dates back to the late 1970s – early 1980s and traditionally allows the young researchers to come up with their innovative research ideas. Every year the Session diversifies its topics and sections. In 2016 the Conference hosted 32 sections with a total of 600 student presentations.

The Session serves as a venue where the participants exchange their ideas and practices, discuss their research approaches, get more knowledge about the advanced scientific issues and network with their colleagues from different countries.

The best papers are awarded with TUSUR certificates. Authors of the most remarkable presentations in the field of Quantum Electronics, Optics and Microwave Telecommunication technologies receive the Kovalenko Prize. 

Contact information

For details on registration, abstract submission and other information, please contact: Address: 40, prospect Lenina (room 205), Tomsk, Russia 634050
Mrs. Elena Yurchenkova, e-mail: nstusur@main.tusur.ru.

Conference web-site (in Russian only)

Elena Yurchenkova

Division of Postgraduate Professional Education

  634050, Tomsk, 40 Lenina prospekt, office 205

  +7 (3822) 701-524
