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Faculty of Electronic Engineering

of Electronic Engineering

Tel.: +7 3822 413–893

E-mail: dekanat-fet@tusur.ru

Postal address: TUSUR, 40 Lenina prospect, Tomsk, 634050

Location: room 314, 74 Vershinina street, Tomsk

About the Faculty

The Faculty of Electronic Engineering was established in 1962. It trains Bachelors and Masters of Electronics and Microelectronics, Bachelors of Photonics and Optoinformatics, and engineers majoring in «Microelectronics and solid-state electronics», «Electronic equipment and devices», and «Industrial electronics». There are also postgraduate programs. Faculty and staff include 16 doctors of science, professors, 31 candidates of science, one associate professor, one full and one corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science, as well as three honoured workers of science and technology.

Some equipment and devices, applied at the Faculty, are assembled by its undergraduates, postgraduates and teachers, and this effort is not limited to study experiments. Some devices, assembled from purchased materials and spare parts, are unique. For instance, it is planned to assemble special equipment, which would make it possible to observe human body biofield.

All research, carried out at departments of the Faculty and divisions of research institutes at TUSUR, is closely connected with the learning process. All laboratory equipment of the satellite company functioning under the auspices of the Department of Industrial Electronics is assembled by students. This laboratory complex will be unique, as it will allow conducting up to 20 different types of laboratory work. This also represents an advantage for the students: assembling and operating equipment, they can better understand the details of processor control and power electronics.

Students of the Faculty often become winners of student Olympiads, receive scholarships of the Governor of the Tomsk Region, and take part in international exhibitions, conferences, and symposiums. There are even individuals who obtain patents for inventions as early as during their undergraduate studies.

The Faculty comprises three student design offices, six research laboratories and a research center.

Departments of the Faculty of Electronic Devices:

  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Industrial Electronics
  • Department of Physical Electronics
  • Department of Electronic Devices

Dean: Alexander I. Voronin, Candidate of Engineering, associate professor

E-mail: dekanat-fet@tusur.ru