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Faculty of Human Sciences

of Human Sciences

Tel.: +7 3822 701–590

E-mail: tis@main.tusur.ru

Postal address: TUSUR, 40 Lenina prospect, Tomsk, 634050

Location: room 229, 40 Lenina prospect, Tomsk

About the Faculty

It is the human science component that makes TUSUR a full-fledged university. The Faculty of Human Sciences comprises six departments, providing education in humanities and physical training for all students of the university, regardless of their major. The Faculty of Human Sciences introduced a postgraduate program in 1997. Faculty and staff include seven professors, five doctors of science, more than 20 candidates of science and associate professors, and an honoured coach of the Russian Federation. Students attend classes and lectures, delivered by highly qualified specialists and heads of regional departments of social services.

Students of the Faculty have an opportunity to learn first hand about work with different socially vulnerable groups of population. Faculty and staff include heads of relevant services, namely: Department of Federal Employment Agency, Regional Department of Social Security, Regional Social Insurance Fund, and Center of Social Service.

A new major – «Youth outreach» was introduced at the Department of Cultural Studies and Sociology in 2006. Just three years prior to that, this qualification had been first introduced in Russia.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, TUSUR offers wide practical experience. Students become familiar with operation of audiovisual and multimedia equipment, which will certainly be of use to the future producers, managers in social and cultural spheres, and public officials.

A truly successful person ought to speak at least one foreign language. Hence TUSUR provides all of its students with an opportunity to improve their linguistic ability. Linguistic training at the university is in full compliance with international standards. There is one year of mandatory linguistic training; however, those who pass competitive selection have a chance to proceed with their linguistic education and even obtain an additional qualification of translator / interpreter in engineering.

Sports have always been an essential part of student life at TUSUR. Young people are always keen on sports, and TUSUR considered achievements in sports as part of its successful effort aimed at gaining a foothold among older Tomsk universities. Since the foundation of TUSUR there has been a Department of Physical Training, and in 1989 another sports department was introduced – the Department of Sports Improvement, headed by its permanent leader, Alexander I. Ivanov, honoured coach of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, honoured worker of higher school of the Russian Federation, and winner of prize of the Tomsk region in education and science.

Students, faculty, staff and alumni are winners of numerous sports competition and tournaments. The Faculty of Human Sciences also trains rowers. Its most famous alumni include Yulia Makarova (Belousova), a very promising sportswoman and a member of the Russian junior Olympic team, and Alexander Sigalovsky, winner of many European athletic championships.

The Faculty has the following facilities at its disposal: tutorial room, Linguistic Training Center, Tomsk International Language School «Benedict», computer class, and team project learning laboratory.

Departments of the Faculty of Human Sciences:

  • Department of History and Social Work
  • Department of Philosophy and Sociology
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Sports Improvement in Rowing
  • Department of Physical Training and Sports

Dean: Tatyana I. Suslova, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, alumnus of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Moscow State University, director of the TUSUR Center of Information and Public Relations, head of the municipal target programme «Culture and Art».

E-mail: tis1@main.tusur.ru