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Faculty of Radio Design

of Radio Design

Tel.: +7 3822 70-15-22

E-mail: rkf@main.tusur.ru

Postal address: TUSUR, 40 Lenina prospect, Tomsk, 634050

Location: room 313, 40 Lenina prospect, Tomsk

About the Faculty

In 1966 Faculty of Design and Engineering was set up as part of the Tomsk Institute of Radioelectronics and Electronic Equipment. In 1987 it was renamed Faculty of Radio Design. The Faculty trains specialists in design and technology of radioelectronic systems, operation of transport radio equipment, environmental monitoring and life safety. At present the Faculty employs 12 doctors of science, professors, three corresponding members of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences, two corresponding members of the Peter’s Academy of Sciences and Arts. The Faculty also offers postgraduate education programs.

The Faculty maintains contacts with research schools both in Russia and abroad. It is in close contact with researchers from France, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands in the field of radar research and development. Scientific achievements of the faculty and staff have been widely recognised in the former Soviet countries and all over the world. R&D results of the Research Institute of Electronic Production Equipment and Communication Systems, which is part of the Radio Design Faculty, have been introduced into practice by numerous Russian enterprises. There are joint research projects with universities and scientific institutions from the USA, France, and the Netherlands. Viktor Ph. Agafonnikov, member of the Radio Design Faculty and staff, is one of creators of the fabulous capsule used in medical treatment and referred to as the «Kremlin pill».

Curriculum of the Radio Design Faculty combines theory with practical skills. Alumni possess profound theoretical knowledge, which they can easily put into practice. Laboratories and student design offices are furnished with up-to-date equipment, enabling students to bring their ideas to life and produce their own R&D results while still at the university. Access to high-class facilities prepares students for their future design, research and administrative work.

Alumni of the Radio Design Faculty possess knowledge and skills required to develop, operate, repair and sell radio electronic equipment of various applications. Radio Design Faculty became the first step in careers of many famous engineers, researchers, chief designers of radio manufacturing plants, businessmen, directors of enterprises and private companies.

Undergraduates study styling design; they also specialize in economics, entrepreneurship, marketing and management, which, combined with engineering, computer and managerial training, makes them highly competitive in the market economy. Moreover, in addition to sales they can focus on expansion of production and improvement of product quality.

Students are those who «forge» new traditions, in addition to the existing ones such as the student initiation in the beginning of their first year and celebration of the so-called «median line», when half of the study program is completed. Students of the Radio Design Faculty were the ones who brought to life a new «Faculty» at TUSUR. This is the name they gave to their KVN-team, when they organized the first student KVN-league at the university («Club of the cheerful and sharp-witted», or KVN, is a popular Russian competition of teams, telling jokes and performing comic scenes). Nowadays every Faculty has its own KVN-team, competing to become the best team at TUSUR.

Recently a paragliding club was opened at the university, headed by a student of the Radio Design Faculty Ivan Kravtsov, who is a candidate master in sports, champion of Russia among juniors, two-time champion in the South Kuzbass championship and a member of the Tomsk regional team.

The Faculty comprises Research Institute of Electronic Production Equipment and Communication Systems, student design offices «Smena», «Stalker», and «Element», two inter-faculty engineering laboratories, and team project learning laboratories.

Departments of the Radio Design Faculty:

  • Department of Design and Production of Radioelectronic Equipment
  • Department of Design of Units and Сomponents for Radioelectronic Systems
  • Department of Radioelectronic Technologies and Environmental Monitoring
  • Department of Design of Radioelectronic Units

Dean: Denis v. Ozerkin, Candidate of Engineering, associate professor

E-mail: ozerkin.denis@yandex.ru