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Jaspreet Riar

SRM University, Chennai, India

I think the best decision of my life was to come to TUSUR for my internship. The internship was a huge life changing thing for me. The list of topic which I could choose to work on was something which astonished me; it touched each and every section of science and technology, right from the biotechnology to the defense system. I choose the topic humanoid robotics, under which my work was related to the microprocessor building for STEM, my instructors were the most hardworking people I have ever met, and they motivated me to complete my project in short time duration. The most astonishing thing of my instructor was the «learn new things everyday» attitude. My internship though had a specific topic which I had to work on, but my team motivated us to learn beyond any specific topic, we did our research on various software’s like Solidworks, Adrduiroid etc. This 1month in TUSUR have taught me a very life changing lessons, Team work. The one month internship not only improved my subject knowledge, but the hand on experience in the lab gave me practical know too. This internship was a life changing experience for me. This experience will for sure help me, for pursuing my masters in robotics.