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Master program "Radio Engineering Systems / Infocommunication Technologies, Communication Systems and the Internet of Things / Electronics, Nanoelectronics and Microsystem Engineering"

Advanced Engineering School "Electronic Instrumentation and Communication Systems" named after Anatoly Kobzev, was established within the framework of the federal project "Advanced Engineering Schools" in 2022. The project is being implemented on the initiative of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and is aimed at training qualified engineering personnel for high-tech sectors of the economy.

Advanced Engineering School is a new structural unit focused on training specialists (masters) and project teams in the field of electronics, instrumentation and telecommunications technologies.

Advantages of the program:

  • 100% of the students of the engineering school participate in project activities in the interests of leading enterprises of the radioelectronic, rocket and space industry.
  • Solving breakthrough problems in the field of microelectronics, radiophotonics, scientific instrumentation, technological communication systems and the Internet of Things, technologies for the safe use of unmanned aircraft systems to create services of the future.
  • Each student has an individual educational trajectory. We help students understand what knowledge and professional competencies they need for a successful start in their career, and form a personal request for an educational program. We teach you what will definitely come in handy.

Employment opportunities

Master degree students of the Advanced Engineering School can find a job in their specialty as early as the 2nd semester as part of their project. Real work experience increases the competitiveness of our graduates in the labor market, as employers are interested in candidates who can get involved in production activities as quickly as possible and who do not need to be retrained locally.

We have many industrial partners and the number of them is constantly increasing.