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Prof. Paolo Colantonio and Prof. Giorgio Leuzzi will conduct a series of lectures in TUSUR on 19–23 October 2010

October 19, 2010

From 19 to 23 October, within Rosnano educational program, Italian experts will present a series of lectures dedicated to «Modeling and Disigning of Nonlinear Highly Effective Microwave Devices». The course refers to measurements, nonlinear models, power amplifiers, oscillators and mixers, stability of nonlinear circuits, etc.

Prof. Paolo Colantonio and Prof. Giorgio Leuzzi are members of Rome University research team headed by Prof. Giannini, one of the most advanced groups in Europe in development of nonlinear microwave devices.

This team has developed original practical methods of automated design of high effective microwave E, G, F -Class amplifiers tuning to harmonics, mixers, frequency multipliers, etc. Professors Giannini, Leuzzi and Colantonio have already released a monograph which reveals the mentioned topics.

20 hours of lectures include the information about basics and latest achievements in designing of high effective microwave amplifiers and other devices. Research and technical seminar is also expected to be held.

Lectures of Italian experts are free and open to the public on 19 - 22 October from 18.00 to 21.00 (auditorium 201, main building of TUSUR).

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