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Russia-France Centre at TUSUR announced the recruitment of new students

September 17, 2009

On September 18 a meeting will be held for everyone willing to improve their French with an opportunity of studying in France in the future.

The first meeting will take place in room 326 of the TUSUR building hosting the Faculty of Electric Engineering (Address: Vershinina street 74). It will start at 19.00.

The Centre offers the following opportunities to TUSUR students (or students of other Tomsk universities) within the Russia-France educational program:

  • Joint long-term education at TUSUR and University of Limoges (Limoges, France), as well as at other French universities;
  • 10-week training within the framework of international exchange;
  • Language training in the summer school format in France;
  • University of Limoges offers guaranteed study opportunities to TUSUR students.

After at least one year at TUSUR, students can continue their education at the University of Technology in Limoges. Having completed two years of study there, graduates obtain the «The University Diploma of Technology (DUT)», which is recognized in European countries.

Then students can continue their education and choose one of the many majors at the University of Technology in Limoges, Limoges Engineering School (ENSIL), departments of Limoges University or other European universities to obtain a degree of bachelor (one additional year), master or engineer (three years more). International diplomas will give them an opportunity to find prestigious jobs or continue education at post-graduate level. They will also receive TUSUR diplomas.

Student fees in France are among the lowest in Europe (about 350 Euro a year, including social insurance).

Russia-France Centre of TUSUR
Address: room 326 (building of the Faculty of Electric Engineering), Vershinina street 74, Tomsk;
E-mail: rfc-tusur@rambler.ru;
Tel.: 8-961-892-86-04

Source: Russia-France Centre of TUSUR

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