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TUSUR Awarded Four Stars by QS

December 03, 2018

Tomsk State University and Control Systems has been awarded four stars in the QS Stars™ rating system by QS Quacquarelli Symonds.

From May to October 2018, analysts of QS carried out a comprehensive review of various aspects of TUSUR University within the framework of the QS Stars rating system, which is designed to provide a detailed look at an institution, identifying its strength and opportunities for growth. The review evaluates universities against criteria that are believed to be essential for a modern educational institution, and results in a rating of zero to five stars awarded by QS.

TUSUR University has been awarded five stars in the categories Teaching, Employability, Facilities and Innovation; other categories evaluated were Inclusiveness, rated four stars, as well as Research, Internationalization and Program Strength. The overall rating of TUSUR University is four stars, which places it on par with Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Kazan Federal University and Siberian Federal University.

«Through this rating and the analytical work that preceded it, we were able to communicate information about the qualitative aspects of our University that is much more detailed and extensive than what is usually analyzed for university rankings, and to benefit from an unbiased outside perspective of the highly regarded international rankings agency», says Gennady Kobzev, Head of TUSUR Division of International Cooperation. «This is an important step in international development of our University, as it has helped us identify areas to focus on in order to further improve our overall performance».

University rankings published by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) are among the most reputable global tools that help students and academic experts navigate in the world of higher education.

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