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TUSUR listed among universities recommended to Chinese students by the PRC Ministry of Education

March 20, 2014

The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China has published the list of foreign institutes of higher education recommended to Chinese students wishing to study abroad. The list includes over 10 thousand universities and colleges from 44 countries that have proven to offer good education and learning conditions to Chinese students.

TUSUR University is listed among a total of 542 Russian universities. Russia ranks third by the number of its universities included in the list, after the US and Japan.

The PRC Ministry of Education first published the list of recommended universities in 2003. The list undergoes constant revision to reflect changes in the education market. The current edition is its 40th version.

According to official data, today some 25 thousand Chinese students take degree programs in Russia. The number of Russian students enrolled in Chinese universities is estimated to be about 15 thousand people. In December 2012 China and Russia signed a cooperation program whereby the two countries undertake to increase the number of exchange students to 100 thousand people.

Source: Division of International Cooperation

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