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TUSUR participates in the dual degree workshop at the University of Limoges

November 30, 2016

A delegation of TUSUR University is visiting the University of Limoges (France) where it participates in the workshop on the inter-university Master program in Home Automation.

Andrey Geltser, the head of the Master program at TUSUR, will provide an update on the program performance and discuss potential areas for research in home automation for people with special needs. The University of Limoges is one of the most active academic partners of TUSUR University, and the two universities exchange students and researchers every year. The workshop in France will be the venue where the partners will discuss their joint programs and the potential for their further promotion.

The joint TUSUR-Limoges Master program in Information and Communication Technologies and Systems with specialization in Home Automation is an example of synergy of knowledge achieved through long-term inter-university cooperation, as its curriculum addresses the most pressing challenges faced by both Russia and France.

According to the latest statistics in France, its population is aging steadily. The Department of Creuse where a campus of the University of Limoges is located is one of the oldest regions in Europe in terms of its average age. The TUSUR-Limoges program is designed to train professionals who will be able to use the IT and telecommunication technologies in home automation for people with special needs due to their age or health status.

The first enrollment to the pilot dual degree program included 10 students: five from France and five from Russia who will spend the first year of the program in Tomsk, and the second year in Limoges. The language of instruction within the program is English.

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