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TUSUR Working in China as Part of Tomsk Region’s Academic Mission

October 26, 2018

The Academic Mission of Tomsk region comprised of representative of Tomsk Regional Administration, TUSUR, TSU, TPU and TSUAB has participated in China Education Expo 2018 (held on October 20–21 in Beijing), with Russia participating as a honorary guest.

The Expo was organized by the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE). This year, the geography of participants included universities and colleges from 37 countries, Russia’s expo booth represented 21 universities, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the Russian Culture Center. Following the Expo, the Tomsk delegation traveled to Beijing where the Rossotrudnichestvo Office in China held a working meeting to discuss the prospects for an enrollment campaign for state-funded Russian education for Chinese students.

The delegation then visited Shijiazhuang’s open High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Shijiazhuang University, Hebei Normal University.

The final stop of the delegation was in Shenyang where it met with the Consul General of Russia and presented Tomsk universities to schools and colleges of Liaoning Province.

  • TUSUR Working in China as Part of Tomsk Region’s Academic Mission
  • TUSUR Working in China as Part of Tomsk Region’s Academic Mission

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