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Priority 2030

Priority 2030 program allows to concentrate resources of Russian universities for ensuring their contribution to achievement of the Russian Federation national development goals for the period up to 2030, to increase scientific and educational potential of universities and research organizations, to provide with participation of educational organizations of higher education in social and economic development of the Russian Federation regions. The goal of Priority 2030 program is to form more than 100 progressive modern universities in Russia - centers of scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the country, by 2030.

Dear Colleagues!

An important event took place in TUSUR in 2021, that determined the development of our university for years ahead. We successfully presented the university strategic development program within the framework of Priority 2030 program.


As a result of two presentations TUSUR received basic part of the grant and grant for the special track "Territory and/or Industry Leadership". It may be said without exaggeration that is a landmark event affecting all spheres of university activity, strengthening our position and helping implement strategically important projects and tasks.


I am convinced that TUSUR victory was ensured by its own bright uniqueness, made by talented scientists, teachers, staff and graduates for a long time. TUSUR was created and has always been an industry university closely connected with enterprises, development of new products and technologies, training of not only the most sought-after specialists, but also people who are able to organize their own business. Of course, this is the basis without which our success would not be possible.


In new reality, development of the university is impossible without transformation, new global projects and goals. We have managed to get support to achieve them, and now we are required to combine forces both inside and outside the university. I am sure that we will definitely achieve success for the benefit of our native university, the Tomsk region and our country!


Victor Rulevskiy,
rector of TUSUR


Outline of the Development Program of the University for 2021–2030 within the framework of the Strategic Academic Leadership Program Priority 2030

Strategic projects

Strategic project #1 – Microelectronics and new-generation communication systems

Creation of new scientific and technological fields, world-class technologies, development of breakthrough industrial electronic technologies, development of human resources in creating of microwave monolithic integrated circuits and intelligent power electronics systems that ensure import independence and the Russian Federation priorities in security of critical information infrastructure.

Рroject Сoordinator

Aleksandr Medovnik
E-mail: aleksandr.v.medovnik@tusur.ru

Strategic project #2 – IT, secure digital environment and cyber-physical systems

Formation of technological and personnel basis for transition to Industry 4.0 through development of key digital technologies - cyber-physical systems based on interaction of "machine-machine" and "human-machine", and secure data exchange interfaces using new generation communication networks; network design based on new principles of quantum technologies; development and creation of advanced cybersecurity methods; personnel training. Project is aimed at solving of important state task set by the Russian Federation President Decree No. 400 dated 02 July 2021 "About the strategy of the Russian Federation sovereignty in information space, increasing of the Russian Federation information infrastructure security and its stable functioning" and Strategy of scientific and technological development.

Project Сoordinators

Anton Konev
E-mail: kaa1@keva.tusur.ru



Yuri Gritsenko

E-mail: innovation@tusur.ru

Strategic project #3 – Space science and engineering

Ensuring advanced scientific and technological groundwork for the rocket and space industry by development and creation of breakthrough technological solutions, world-class intellectual complexes and systems, development of fundamental methods for space exploration and the theory of quantum gravity, ensuring high competitiveness and scientific priority of Russia, as well as personnel training.

Project Сoordinator

Aleksandr Mescheryakov
E-mail: aleksandr.mescheryakov@tusur.ru

Strategic project #4 – Biomedical technology

Development of technologies, software and hardware systems, ensuring preservation of health and population welfare at risk of oncological and cardiovascular diseases, as well as diseases associated with pandemic nature, through development of new approaches to diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, as well as training of personnel for these areas in accordance with the Russian state programs "Healthcare Development", "Cardiovascular diseases control", "Oncological diseases control" and Strategy of scientific and technological development.

Project Сoordinator

Denis Pahmurin
E-mail: pdo@ie.tusur.ru

Strategic project #5 – Management and infrastructure transformation

Ensuring implementation of university target model by transforming its main activities based on adoption of breakthrough innovative practices for development of the world's leading benchmarks, harmonized interaction with the Tomsk Consortium and developed management system for the United Tomsk Universities project.

Project Manager

Viсtor Rulevskiy
E-mail: rector@tusur.ru


E-mail for your questions: 2030@tusur.ru
Tel.: +7.3822.907189