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Bachelor Program «Service»

Program code: 43.03.01

Specialization: Public Relations (PR) in the Information Society

Relevance of the program

In the era of modern media, the reputation of a company (or a public person) plays a huge role, and a well–formed image is the basis of a successful project. Image development, analysis of factors affecting the company's position, maintaining the correct brand reputation – all these are professional tasks of a PR manager. In the modern world, interaction with the public (clients, partners, media, stakeholders, etc.) is becoming a key area for the successful operation of the company. The advantage of our educational program is special attention to information (digital) resources and services that are in demand in the professional activities of a PR manager. Public relations (PR) is a prestigious, dynamically developing profession that gives an opportunity for a creative ambitious person to realize himself.

Graduate’s expertise and skills:

development of PR strategies;

the use of various methods of promotion and information;

creating engaging content and working with media;

creating texts (press releases, reviews, posts, etc.);

evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising and PR products;

organization of image events (event management);

Internet promotion technologies (SEO-copywriting, SMM);

work in graphic editors, photo and video shooting.

Work opportunities:

business segment (public relations, marketing and advertising departments);

public authorities (press services, communications departments);

political sphere (political technologists, speechwriters);

private advertising and PR agencies, web design studios, internet portals, SMM agencies, video production studios, etc.;

mass media (mass media);

your own business (freelancer).