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Bachelor program "Social Work"

Program code: 39.03.02

Department of History and Social Work

Social work is the area of professional activities aimed at helping people and social groups to overcome personal and social barriers through support, protection, correction and rehabilitation. The task for specialists in social work is to mitigate social controversy and improve mutual understanding between people. This sort of activity has a positive influence on the society, promotes tolerant relations, culture of communication. For our society that is marked by aggression and intolerability in personal relations and in attitude of people to the authorities, social work becomes a tool of internal policy.

The advantages of Social Work bachelor program at TUSUR are that this university is one of the leaders in innovations. TUSUR has up-to-date technical basis for education and processing of applied and experimental researches in the field of social work. Our students study both compulsory human sciences and computer sciences: computer technologies in social sphere, Information search and processing, Integrated data systems in social services, Legal reference systems. This is why TUSUR is capable of graduating innovative specialists.

Social Work graduates are capable of resolving the following professional tasks: constitute and effectively apply social techniques and modern social work models; resolve the customers’ problems by means of engagement of necessary specialists and mobilization of the customers’ own resources; analyze special attributes of socio-cultural environment and provide for social well-being of different social groups; diagnose, forecast, project and model social processes and phenomena; define and account for national, cultural, gender and age characteristics of people, peculiarities of their social position, their physical, mental and social health.

Participation in real projects

TUSUR University allows students to take part in Project Based Group Learning (PBGL). Social Work students participate in following development works:

Monitoring and expertize of quality and availability of services rendered by federal and local authorities in social sphere of Tomsk city. This project focuses on evaluation of efficiency of the administrative reform launched in Tomsk, the reform’s target being the decrease of administrative obstacles, increase of availability and quality of social services. The project products are to be: procedure for investigation of quality and availability of services rendered by federal and local authorities, index map of service quality and availability, rating of services in different spheres and recommendations on improvement of services rendered by federal and local authorities.

Social and mental algorithms to reinforce mental health of families with disabled children. Families with disabled children often feel difficulties in overcoming stressful situation, which leads to increased divorce rate, alcohol and drugs abuse, abandonment of disabled children, reduced labor activity and falling positive contribution of parents into social and economic development of Russia. With this project students scrutinize Russia’s and foreign social work experience with families rearing disabled children; investigate mental health of families rearing disabled children in Tomsk; draw up and try out the algorithms aimed at improvement of the climate in such families. This project is rather a weighty contribution into development of social work, as this area is yet quite young in our country.

Alignment of procedures and algorithms for social problems handling. There is no common base of social services rendered by non-for-profit organizations in Tomsk Region. The result of the project will be a map of social services that will comprise about 30 services and 150 organizations. This map will help to introduce middlemen between investors, customers and non-for-profit organizations. It will also help to start the process of service standardization, give impetus to their transfer to outsourcing.