Program code: 11.04.02
Information and communication technologies and systems (telecommunications) is the field of science and technology, which integrates technology, ways and means, and methods of human activity, aimed at creating the conditions for information exchange over distance.
Infocommunications is a major that meets the most up-to-date requirements in the training of master degree specialists in the field of telecom networks design.
Master program is a higher professional level of an academic degree. The level of academic and scientific knowledge provided to students in their respective field is more advanced and specialized. A master program is designed for those graduate students who aspire to become scientists, top-qualification specialists and teachers. Another two years of study at a university advance the knowledge and improve the skills and abilities in the selected field that one requires in their future work.
The academic activities of the master program are individualized and supported by the unique curriculum of the master program student and a large portion of independent research work to be made by the student both in the departments’ laboratories and in the field-specific research institutes and companies operating in technology- and knowledge-intensive national economy sectors of the radio engineering domain.
Graduate's expertise and skills
The master program graduates are able to handle the following professional tasks:
Requirements to master program applicants
For a successful completion of a principal academic master program, an applicant must possess the knowledge in the respective domain in the scope stipulated by the state education standards for higher education and a state-issued higher education document (degree) of at least bachelor’s level.
Those willing to complete master programs shall be enrolled based on the results of their admission examination in the academic disciplines selected by the administering department.
During their training within the master program in information and communication systems of wireless broadband access at the premises of the laboratory of the TUSUR-Keysight center, the students get the following skills:
Starting from 2015, the academic scientific laboratory “Designing of systems-on-a-chip” will begin to operate. The laboratory is equipped with hardware and software by “Altera” and shall serve as the basis for the training of master program students in the development of FPLD-based communication systems equipment.
The training within the master program in optical communication systems and information processing takes place at research laboratories “Optical electronics” and “Guided-wave nonlinear optics and holography” of the department and TUSUR’s Scientific-academic center “Nonlinear optics, nanophotonics and laser technologies”. During their experimental research, the master program students will have an opportunity to use the unique optical, laser and technical equipment of these facilities. While solving theoretical tasks and performing numerical modeling, they will use the developed and tried original methods and original software and material resources of the computing laboratories of the core scientific units. The curriculum of the master program is based on the vast scientific and practical expertise of the research staff in the fields of acoustooptical electronics, holography, nonlinear and guided-wave optics. Fundamental and applied research in these fields have been performed by the staff for over 40 years, including International research projects with the participation of research teams from Germany, China and Belarus.
In the fields of holography, nonlinear photorefractive and nonlinear guided-wave optics, the developers of the master program have stable connections with both foreign and many national scientific teams from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok and Tomsk.
By virtue of the existing scientific connections, master program students who have the knowledge of foreign languages and high professional competence will have the possibility to carry out a part of their research program in foreign or national research laboratories outside TUSUR, which will expand their access to unique scientific and technological equipment and improve their communication competence in the field of scientific research, including foreign ones.
The training within the master program in radioelectronic systems for data transmission takes place at the premises of specially created academic research laboratories of the radio engineering systems department and the internationally and nationally renowned Research institute for radio engineering systems (RI RES), where research and development is actively ongoing in the field of highly efficient methods of formation, transfer-receipt and processing of land and satellite network signals, radiolocation and radio navigation in the frameworks of special-purpose programs, grants and commercial contracts.
The basis for the training is research and development work aimed at addressing the current scientific and technical tasks, based on the requisitions from the primary radio engineering companies of Russia, such as JSC “Satellite information systems” named after ac. M.F. Reshetnikov (city of Zheleznogorsk); Central design engineering bureau of automatics (Omsk); Ural design-construction bureau “Detail” (Kamensk-Uralskiy); Research and production association n.a. S.A. Lavochkin (Moscow); Research and production association “Istok” (Fryazino); Scientific-production company “Micran” (Tomsk) and other. At these facilities and in the RI RES laboratories the students of the master program get their scientific research training. During the period of individual project-based study and apprenticeship, the students will be paid a salary.
Designing up-to-date radioelectronic equipment is impossible without high-performance automated design systems. This is why of special importance is a look-ahead training of specialists in different fields, capable of doing automated design, taking into account electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
The purpose of the master program in electromagnetic compatibility in critical radioelectronic equipment is to efficiently provide such training.
The key idea of this program is the look-ahead training of specialists, based on continuous use of the results of advance scientific research of the staff of research laboratory “Electromagnetic compatibility and the safety of radioelectronic equipment”, which carries out research and development to ensure EMC and the use of a national EMC computer modeling system.
The CAD training of specialists seems to be especially valuable, as it will be done by CAD development team. This allows for the training of specialists who efficiently use CAD and develop and support the national CAD, which is important for import substitution and the independence from foreign CAD.
The master program students actively take part in research activity related to state orders, grants and project that are crucial for the country.
The energy sector is of paramount importance for the global economy - no industry in the world can function without its output. Natural fuel and the production, scientific and human resources are the most valuable assets for any country, and energy efficiency and energy conservation are among the key priorities for many nations around the world. The Master program in “Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Energy Sector” is designed to train highly qualified professionals for the current and upcoming challenges in this industry.
The curriculum is designed to continuously integrate latest research findings in electromagnetic compatibility for the purposes of the energy sector.
Specialized courses: electromagnetic compatibility of electric power networks, electromagnetic compatibility of power station equipment, electromagnetic compatibility of equipment in the extractive industries.
Additional information about this Master program can be found at