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A student of TUSUR is among the winners of the contest organized by “Harvard Business Review Russia”

December 12, 2009

Altynai Markitanova, a student of TUSUR, became one of the best in the «Leadership Minimum» business case contest.

Altynai Markitanova, studying at TUSUR and specializing in crisis management, successfully solved the case offered by Sberbank (Savings Bank of Russia) and got a one-year subscription to «Harvard Business Review Russia».

Contest organizers chose the best out of more than 100 student papers offering solutions to crisis situations encountered by certain companies.

The best business case solutions were published at the web-site of «Harvard Business Review — Russia».

«Harvard Business Review» is a reputable management journal well-known all over the world. This journal focuses on business management and is intended for successful business leaders who make crucial strategic decisions.

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