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A student of TUSUR won the golden medal in the European Powerlifting Championship

June 16, 2010

Petr Pugachev, fifth-year student of the Faculty of Computer Systems, won the top prize in the European Junior Powerlifting Championship.

Sportsmen from 15 countries took part in the championship that was held on June 8–12 in the Norwegian city of Hamar. Petr Pugachev, world-class athlete and student of TUSUR, was a member of the Russian national team.

The Tomsk athlete demonstrated the best result in the 82.5 kg class among thirteen participants and became the Champion of Europe.

Petr Pugachev, the Champion and world record-breaker in powerlifting, is trained by Valery Zarapov, honoured coach of Russia and teacher at the Department of Physical Training and Sports.

Source: Athletic Club of TUSUR

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