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European diploma supplement for tusur graduates

July 07, 2011

TUSUR continues to deliver European diploma supplements. This year, more than 100 graduates of Faculty of Control Systems, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Radio Engineering and Faculty of Innovation Technologies received diploma supplements of the European standard. Next year other faculties will also take an active part in this process.

The European diploma supplement is an official document which was developed by European Commission, European Council and UNESCO for the purpose of mutual recognition of high education documents according to the Bologna Declaration.

This supplement guarantees recognition of level of national education abroad and clarity of graduates' qualification for employers and help them navigate in the diversity of many types of education existing all over the world. Diploma supplement gives the opportunity to pursue career in other countries as well as to continue education abroad.

The diploma supplement is issued by universities in strict compliance with a pattern which was elaborated and tested in practice by the joint working group of the European Commission, European Council and UNESCO. The supplement must be filled out in one of the most common European languages, but it is recommended to fill it in one's native language with the English translation.

The document gives a full description of the subjects, level, and content of education and consists of 8 parts:

  • Information identifying the holder of the qualification;
  • Information identifying the qualification;
  • Information on the level of the qualification;
  • Information on the contents and results gained;
  • Programme details and the individual grades/marks/credits obtained;
  • Information on the national education of qualification;
  • Information on the function of the qualification;
  • Additional information.

The Supplement must provide information on the number of academic credits, earned by a student. Credits are calculated from total amount of academic load and total time spent in class and extracurricular work. The academic load also includes writing of term and year papers, diploma thesis, and internships.

Aside from personal information about the student, Supplement includes description of national education system. This helps to understand the country’s high education level in terms of the Bologna process. Besides, the document describes the education process in a university and lists all disciplines which were studied by the diploma owner.

Thus, the European diploma supplement will allow TUSUR graduates to simplify the process of their diploma recognition in a foreign university significantly. It will enhance the mobility of students as well as give them additional chances for better employment.

For more information about European diploma supplement, please, contact the Division of International Cooperation.

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