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Participation of Mr. Jerome Engel in XIV Tomsk Innovation Forum

May 31, 2011

By Institute of Innovation TUSUR invitation Mr. Jerome Engel visited Tomsk to participate in XIV Tomsk innovation forum.

Mr. Engel is Founder and Faculty Director of the Lester Center for Entrepreneurship, Chair of the New Venture Creation and Venture Capital Program, Walter A. Haas School of Business, University of California in Berkeley. In addition Mr. Jerome Engel is a member of Scientific Committee of International Conference Triple Helix. Mr. Engel was also one of the participants of Discussion club «How to launch the knowledge-based economy in Russia?»

During his long career Mr. Jerome Engel acted as the founder and co-investor in several successful companies in field of medicine, internet and telecommunications, instrumentation, optics and microelectronics, hardware and software, electricity industry.

In his speech Mr. Jerome Engel emphasized the importance of interaction between business, government and scientists, he noticed that the clusters can not be isolated, it is necessary to create an innovation network: «The main task of Government is creation of infrastructure, legislation, that is the foundation for innovation, and further the matter depends on private financing» — said Mr. Jerome Engel.

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