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Professor of TUSUR University on Thomson Reuters Most Cited list

January 27, 2016

Thomson Reuters has published its list of Highly Cited Researchers 2015. The list names nearly 3,000 scientists from around the world whose studies in 21 areas of research were among the top 1 percent most referenced in academic journals from 2003 to 2013, in a total of over 12,000 publications.

Russia is represented by three names: economist Simeon Dyankov (New Economic School), physicist Sergei Morozov (Russian Academy of Sciences) and physicist Sergei Odintsov (TUSUR University). Dr. Sergei Odintsov is a senior researcher at the TUSUR Laboratory of Safe Biomedical Technology.

As expected, dominating in the list were the largest and the most active areas of research – life sciences, such as clinical medicine, biology and biochemistry, and molecular biology and genetics.

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