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Tomsk Region Ranked Among Leaders in Epidemic Management

April 10, 2020

Tomsk region has been named among Russian regions with a high level of epidemic management (virus sovereignty index). This result is due to the region’s strict policies that place all people arriving from other territories under supervision and restrict travel within the region.

The Peterburgskaya Politika Foundation has compiled the virus sovereignty index of Russian regions based on local orders and decrees that extend the national-level epidemic policies of Russia. The range of measures includes travel restrictions, mandatory quarantine for travelers, QR passes within cities and bans on sale of certain goods. A total of 14 regions were ranked among territories that demonstrate highest efficiency in epidemic management.

In line with the national epidemic management policies, TUSUR University has temporarily moved all of its academic processes online, greatly benefitting from the extensive e-learning experience of its Faculty of Distance Learning.

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