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TUSUR and the University of Limoges hold a videoconference on their joint Master Program

January 30, 2017

On January 27, as part of the Research and Methodology Conference of Modern Education, TUSUR University and the University of Limoges will hold a videoconference on their joint Master Program in Home Automation.

The two universities will discuss the methodological and regulatory aspects of the program and its first results, and the teaching staff involved in the program will share their insight on the program progress.

The joint TUSUR-Limoges Master program in Information and Communication Technologies and Systems with specialization in Home Automation is an example of synergy of knowledge achieved through long-term inter-university cooperation.

The program was launched in September 2016, and at TUSUR University it is available to the Master students of the Faculty of Radio Engineering. The first enrollment to the pilot dual degree program included 10 students: five from France and five from Russia who will spend the first year of the program in Tomsk, and the second year in Limoges.

Home automation professionals design systems for life improvement, particularly for people with special needs, making it possible to delegate a lot of chores to home appliances. These professionals are highly sought after in all developed countries, making the two diplomas obtained by the graduates a substantial competitive advantage on the international job market. The language of instruction within the program is English.

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