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TUSUR Ranked Among Top 20 Universities For Software Industry

August 16, 2017

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics has been listed among the top Russian universities training human resources for the software industry, as ranked by RUSSOFT Association.

TUSUR University has ranked 15-16th in a ranking of 51 Russian universities. According to the methodology used by RUSSOFT, the universities are ranked by the number of references by software companies as sources of their human resources, one company having only one vote. The 2017 ranking included only those universities that have received 2 or more votes.

The first such ranking was published in 2014 and was based on a 4-year survey of Russia-based software developers. Since the study covered some 130 companies every year (reaching 152 in 2017) and the list of respondents varied by 70-80% year on year, the 4-year results reflect the opinions of over 300 employers from the software engineering industry in Russia.

Universities with similar rankings were grouped into leagues based in the number of references. TUSUR University was included in league C (12-16th position in the ranking) among 5 universities from Tomsk, Chelyabinsk and Penza.

Non-Profit Partnership RUSSOFT is the largest and the most influential association of software engineering companies in Russia. RUSSOFT is a member of the Association of Information and Computer Technologies (APKIT) where it represents the Committee for Software Development and Export.

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