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TUSUR Ranked Gold by International Diversity and Financial Sustainability in Round University Rankings

September 13, 2019

TUSUR University has ranked 59th in the 2019 edition of the RUR Countries Rankings.

The University was included in the Gold League in two out of four RUR subrankings: International Diversity and Financial Sustainability. As usual, TUSUR has demonstrated high results in “share of international students” (8th in Russia) and “research income per institutional income” (7th). In the RUR World University Ranking, TUSUR ranks 88th by income from research.

Furthermore, TUSUR was included in the Bronze League of the Research Ranking where it ranked 45th.

The 74 universities ranked in the 2019 edition represent 31 regions of Russia. The RUR evaluates universities across 20 parameters grouped into four indicator groups: Teaching Ranking (40% weight), Research Ranking (40% weight), International Diversity Ranking (10% weight), Financial Sustainability Ranking (10% weight).

Read more on roundranking.com.

RUR is a Russian rankings agency that publishes the Round University Rankings and acts as the official representative of the UK-based rankings agency Times Higher Education in Russia and the CIS.

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