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TUSUR Ranked in THE World University Rankings 2022

September 15, 2021

On September 2, Times Higher Education (THE) has published the latest edition of its high-profile World University Rankings, with TUSUR University securing a place along with just 60 Russian universities included in the ranking.

Last year, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics made its debut in theTHE World University Rankings. In the latest edition of the rankings, the World University Rankings 2022, TUSUR yet again secured a place (1201+ globally), one of 1,662 universities representing 99 countries and regions of the world. A total of 60 Russian universities have been ranked, with TUSUR holding the 24th ranking spot.

THE WUR rankings are based on 13 criteria grouped into five pillars. World universities are assessed through their citations, innovation, income from research, quality of teaching, international outlook, etc.

Traditionally, TUSUR demonstrates its top results in the areas of international outlook and income from research, outperforming universities that neighbor it in the overall ranking.

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