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TUSUR The Only Top 10 Siberian University in 2018 Employer Demand Ranking

December 26, 2018

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics has ranked 8th in the 2018 Employer Demand Ranking published by Rossiya Segodnya within the framework of the Social Navigator project.

TUSUR is the only Siberian university in the ranking’s top 10, the rest of the leaders representing Moscow and Saint Petersburg. TUSUR has improved its position compared to the 2017 ranking edition where it ranked 11th.

For its 2018 edition, the ranking has reviewed 444 universities, including state, municipal and private institutions, and a total of 126 engineering schools. Separate subrankings have been offered for classic, agricultural, human arts, medical and administration universities.

Indicators used to evaluate universities were as follows: citations, intellectual property commercialization, demand for research output and share of graduates employed after graduation.

According to the ranking data, engineering universities have the highest share of income from R&D and educational products for business, at 15.8% on average. TUSUR has demonstrated one of the best results in this category, with 44%.

The Social Navigator is a project by Rossiya Segodnya Information Agency that specializes on exclusive national and international social studies in education, medicine and urbanism.

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