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TUSUR University awards the winners of its End-of-Year Instagram competition

January 14, 2016

On December 24—29, the official Instagram account of TUSUR University @tusur_university held an End-of-Year competition.

To enter, students had to follow the university account and post a selfie with the Rector in the hashtag #КонкурсРектораТусура. On December 30, Rector Alexander Shelupanov presented the prizes to the authors of three photos with the most likes.

Olga Mashyanova (@olya_mashyanova), a first-year student of the Faculty of Economics, finished first with 1522 likes.

Nikolay Masalikn (@kolya277), a second-year student of the Faculty of Radio Engineering, finished second with 1348 likes.

Maxim Suvorov (@maksimsuwww), a third-year student of the Faculty of Economic Security, finished third with 1035 likes.

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