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Research portfolio

This research portfolio presents scientific and technological developments by researchers of TUSUR University in the University’s key areas of research.

Antenna for Consumer Navigation Equipment

The antenna is designed to receive radio-navigation signals as an element of consumer GNSS navigation equipment, both ground and naval.

Air transport Ground transport Navigation Radio engineering Radio monitoring Robotics Communications Security and counter terrorism Space UAV Water transport

Hardware/Software Complex for GLONASS, GPS, KOMPASS, GALILEO Signal Receptio

This software/hardware complex is based on a computer-based digital navigation receiver for reception of GLONASS, GPS, KOMPASS and GALILEO signals.

Air transport Instrument engineering Navigation Space

Radio Location Sensors for Autonomous Robotic Vehicles

The development is a new compact multichannel radio-location sensor with superresolution digital signal processing that provides a several-fold higher angular resolution within a single range-rate cell.

Air transport Ground transport Microwave technology Navigation Radioengineering Robotics Security and counterterrorism Water transport