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TUSUR ranked in the QS University Rankings: EECA 2014/15

December 25, 2014

On December 17, during the Quacquarelli Symonds conference “The Unleashed Potential: Emerging Europe and Central Asia” the results of the first QS University Rankings: EECA 2014/15 were announced. The rating covers the most dynamic universities of Eastern Europe and Central Asia which play an essential role in driving the social and economic growth of the region.

The top-100 of EECA Rankings includes 26 Russian universities, three of them representing Tomsk. The ranking is composed of several parameters, such as academic reputation, number of staff with PhD, citations per faculty, etc. An impressive achievement of TUSUR University is its ranking by the share of international students – 5th overall and 2nd in Russia, behind only the People’s Friendship University of Russia.

For this ranking universities across a total of 30 countries in Emerging Europe and Central Asia were considered. The project involved reaching out to a total of 368 universities, of which 255 had not previously been featured in the QS rankings.

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