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TUSUR University launches a new online course in Mathematical Logic
April 19, 2016

On May 16, TUSUR University will launch its bilingual MOOC on Mathematical Logic and Algorithm Theory, powered by iversity.org. It marks the first time TUSUR University presents its educational programs at an international e-learning platform.

First launch from the Vostochny Cosmodrome will use equipment designed by TUSUR University
April 17, 2016

The Research Institute of Automatics and Electromechanics of TUSUR University has designed unique testing equipment for the new Russian satellite Aist-2D.

TUSUR student is the silver medalist of the French Finswimming World Cup round
April 12, 2016

The finswimming team of Tomsk region has successfully finished the IV Finswimming World Cup round that was held in Aix-en-Provence on April 1—3.

Indian Student Taught TUSUR Robots to Sense
March 29, 2016

During his month-long internship at the Department of Complex Information Security of Computer Systems, Japsreet Riar developed supplementary units and modules for the Electronic Training Kit.

Iranian CISSC delegation visits TUSUR University
March 23, 2016

On March 22 TUSUR University received a delegation of representatives of the Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC), an agency of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The goal of the CISSC is to provide Iranian academic centers with scientific and technological support.

Teams of TUSUR University start preparations for RoboCup Russia Open 2016
March 15, 2016

TUSUR University has begun the preparations of its teams for RoboCup Russia Open 2016. The competition will be held within the framework of the U-NOVUS Forum and will serve as the qualification round for the RoboCup World Final in Leipzig.

TUSUR University to Hold First RoboCup in Russia
February 19, 2016

The first national phase of the International Robocup Competition in Russia will be held in Tomsk, part of the Popular Science Festival RoboScience Tomsk – 2016. The Festival is hosted and operated by TUSUR University.

Professor of TUSUR University on Thomson Reuters Most Cited list
January 27, 2016

Thomson Reuters has published its list of Highly Cited Researchers 2015. The list names nearly 3,000 scientists from around the world whose studies in 21 areas of research were among the top 1 percent most referenced in academic journals from 2003 to 2013, in a total of over 12,000 publications.

Tomsk ranked among the top 10 Russian cities with the highest living standards
January 21, 2016

The research was carried out and published by the Sociology Department of the Finance University of the Government of the Russian Federation

TUSUR University awards the winners of its End-of-Year Instagram competition
January 14, 2016

On December 24—29, the official Instagram account of TUSUR University @tusur_university held an End-of-Year competition.