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TUSUR Presents Microelectronics Product at 2023 Expo-Russia Iran
October 13, 2023

A delegation of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics represented TUSUR at the 2023Expo-Russia Iran.

TUSUR and Belarusian Institute of Standardization and Certification to Develop Standards for Microwave and Power Electronics through Applied Research
August 21, 2023

Rector of TUSUR University, Head of Microwave and Power Electronics Technical Committee Victor Rulsevskiy and Director of Belarusian Institute of Standardization and Certification Alexander Skuratov have signed a cooperation agreement at the Army 2023 Forum.

Rector of TUSUR Joined Delegation of Tomsk Region to Belarus
August 21, 2023

At the meeting, the President of Belarus and the Governor of Tomsk Region discussed potential cooperation with a focus on industrial electronics. TUSUR University and Micran are proposed as the key coordinators of the partnership representing Russia.

TUSUR to Create Representative Office in Cameroon
July 28, 2023

Rector of TUSUR Victor Rulevskiy and Head of the Russian Business Center in Cameroon Olga Gogolina have signed a cooperation agreement at the Russia—Africa Summit.

School Teachers from Tajikistan and Mongolia Complete Professional Development Program at TUSUR
July 25, 2023

Within the framework of the Priority 2030 Program, TUSUR University has organized a professional development program for a group of visiting high school teachers from Tajikistan and Mongolia.

TUSUR a Top Russian University by Pay Level of IT Alumni
June 20, 2023

SuperJob had published its annual ranking of universities by the pay level of alumni working in IT. In the 2023 edition of the ranking, TUSUR has ranked 15th.

African Students Celebrate the Africa Day in Tomsk
May 29, 2023

On May 24, the Cultural Center of Tomsk State University hosted the Africa Day celebration where African students from every Tomsk university gathered to celebrate the unity of African countries in their pursuit of independence, peace and prosperity.

The Level Keeps Growing Higher: RoboCup Russia 2023 Championship Closes in Tomsk
May 23, 2023

On May 14, the RoboCup Russia 2023 competition held its closing ceremony at the Integratsiya school.

Russian and International Students Gather for a Manti-Making Master Class
March 29, 2023

Members of the Health-Promoting Environment student group and the Ptitsa Govorun club have come together for a manti-making master class for international students.

Priority 2030 Funding for TUSUR Increased for 2023
December 24, 2022

Following the assessment of the first year results of the Priority 2030 Program, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has decided to move TUSUR University to Group 1 of universities in the Territory and/or Industry Leadership category.