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Department of Economic Security (ES)

Since 2012 at the Faculty of Security of TUSUR the training of specialists in the direction 38.05.01 «Economic Security».

On October 5, 2022, the Department of Economic Security (ES) was established within the structure of the Institute for Systems Integration and Security.

Currently, the Department of Economic Security has 16 staff members: 7 associate professors, 7 senior lecturers and 2 lecturers.

Scientific directions

  1. Economic security of the enterprise
  2. System analysis
  3. Risk management
  4. Formation of the model of socially efficient taxation system
  5. Legal aspects of economic security
Research work of students and participation in Olympiads

Achievements of the students of the Department of Economic Security:

  1. The following students of the Department of Economic Security took prizes in intra-university student subject competitions and areas of training from February 1 to April 30, 2024: 1st place - Khudyakova Anastasia Maximovna, gr. 762-1, 2nd place - Karpova Marina Evgenievna, gr. 760, Safenina Maria Olegovna, gr. 760, in the direction of «Economic Security», 2nd place - Lazakovich Maria Sergeevna, gr. 762-1, 3rd place - Alyona Pechirkina, gr. 762-1, in the direction «Economics for students of economic directions».
  2. The 3rd degree diploma was awarded to the student of the Department of Economic Security of the group 769-1 Ruzanov Danil Sergeevich, the prize-winner of the international competition of research works of young scientists and students «Competitiveness of territories» in the section «Mesoeconomics» at the XIV EEFM «Russia-Eurasia-World. Integration-Development-Perspective», which was held on April 22-26, 2024 in Yekaterinburg.
  3. Tsarinnaya Irina Vyacheslavovna, a student of the Department of Economic Security, group 769-1, was awarded the 1st degree diploma for her report «Tax evasion schemes in business splitting» at the V Youth Scientific and Practical Conference «Society and the Law» on April 16-19, held by the St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The diploma of the I degree was awarded to the student of group 760-1 Karpova Marina Evgenievna for the report «Automation of methods of forensic economic expertise in the era of digitalization». Diploma in the nomination «For the practical significance of research results» was awarded to Karpushkina Polina Alekseevna, student of group 761-1, who spoke with the report «Creation of an automated system of pre-trial analysis of taxpayers for the FTA in order to improve the process of collecting information by the tax authorities». Diploma in the nomination «Topical topics and creative approach to research» was awarded to Safenina Maria Olegovna, student of group 760-1, who made a report «Deception of clients by banks when providing investment services in the financial market (product substitution)». Certificate of participation in the section «Topical issues of economic security» was awarded to Bychkova Julia Alekseevna, a student of group 760-1.
  4. The winner for the best report of a young scientist in the section “Intellectual Property and Innovation Management” in the XIII Congress of Young Scientists of ITMO, St. Petersburg, April 8-11 was Zulfugarov Abdurahman Ahsan oglu, a student of group 760-1.
  5. 26.03.2024 scholarship was assigned to the winners of the competition “Excellent student research work” Bychkova Julia Alekseevna, Karpova Marina Evgenievna, students of the group 760-1.
  6. Plaunova A.A., group 762-2, from 01.03.2024 was awarded the diploma of the winner of the scholarship of the Faculty of Security.
  7. The winners in the special nomination of the forum «Cybersecurity in Finance 2024» on February 14-16 in Yekaterinburg were the students of the Faculty of Security, among whom was a student of the Department of Economic Security Anastasia Kuznetsova, group 762-2, with the project – Mobile application based on digital ruble and smart contracts, which is designed to protect children from financial fraud.
  8. Diplomas of the winner of the scholarship of the Faculty of Security were awarded to Milovanova A.V., gr. 760-1, from 01.02.2023, Karpova M.E. gr. 760-1, from 01.09.2023.
  9. Kuznetsova Anastasia Dimitrievna, a student of the group 762-2, was awarded the diploma of the I degree for the article «Development of the plan of the event ‘The Best Student of the Faculty’ at the XII Regional Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Science and Practice: project activity - from idea to implementation-2023’, 23.10.2023-22.12.2023, Tomsk. Students of group 762-2 Egorycheva Valeria Rodionovna, Guba Olesya Andreevna were awarded diplomas of II degree for the article «Vocational guidance of schoolchildren to engineering and technical professions». Students of group 760-1 Bychkova Yulia Alekseevna, Karpova Marina Evgenievna were awarded diplomas of III degree for the article «Global crises: is there a way out?».
  10. The inter-faculty team, which included students from groups 761-1 Ashmarov Mark, Okorokov Danil, Vorontsova Polina, 762-1 Lazakovich Maria, Manyn-ool Yan, 762-2 Kuznetsova Anastasia, on November 24 took part in the inter-university simulation game «Key Rate» developed by the Siberian Main Department of the Bank of Russia.
  11. The diploma for the third place was awarded to the student of group 762-2 Anastasia Kuznetsova, who on November 23 spoke at the V All-Russian Conference of Young Researchers «Economic Security: Financial, Legal and IT Aspects» (ConfES-2023) with the report «Creative Potential of Tomsk Region».
  12. Maria Lazakovich, a student of group 762-1, who presented work «Digital Ruble as a stage of transformation of the financial sector» on November 21 at the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists on Sustainable Development, Investments and Financial Risks «III Finatlon Forum», was awarded the Diploma of Laureate of the II degree.
  13. Second place in the case championship “Digital Breakthrough. Season: Artificial Intelligence”, Perm On October 29, students of the Faculty of Security, including a student of the Department of Economic Security Daria Filippova gr. 761-1. Students from the Department of Economic Security of group 762-1 took part in the championship as part of another team: Anna Sergeeva, Alena Pecherkina.
  14. The winner of the III International Olympiad on Financial Security in the nomination “Specialty: Economics; Finance and Credit; Economic Security” became Filippova Daria, student of gr. 761.
  15. The second place was taken by the TUSUR team, which included students of the Department of Economic Security: Anna Sergeeva, gr. 762-1, Alyona Pecherkina, gr. 762-1, at the hackathon of the project “Digital Breakthrough. Season: Artificial Intelligence", which took place from September 29 to October 1, 2023 in Novosibirsk.
  16. Students of the Department of Economic Security Polina Karpushkina gr. 761-1, Polina Vorontsova gr. 761-1, Anastasia Kuznetsova gr. 762-1, Anastasia Khudyakova gr. 762-1, and Denis Khobyakov gr. 761-1, represented TUSUR on June 29–30 at the Technopark named after. Lobachevsky in Innopolis at the case championship of the youth program FINOPOLIS.365 of the Central Bank of Russia.
  17. The 2nd place in the TUSUR team was taken by Artem Ibragimov, gr. 761-1 in the Interuniversity Student Internet Olympiad on “Macroeconomics” - 2023, which was held on May 26, 2023 on the basis of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg.
  18. 2nd place in the team of TUSUR took Milovanova Anastasia Viktorovna, gr. 760-1, Lazakovich Maria Sergeevna, gr. 762-1, Semochkina Maria Olegovna, gr. 762-2, Karpova Marina Evgenievna, gr. 760-1, Pushilina Alisa Kirillovna, gr. 762-2, Bosh Ekaterina Vitalievna, gr. 762-2, Kuznetsova Anastasia Dimitrievna, gr. 762-2, in the Interuniversity Student Internet Olympiad on “Microeconomics” - 2023, which was held on May 25, 2023 on the basis of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg.
  19. Students of the Department of Economic Security took part in the International Scientific and Technical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “Scientific Session of TUSUR 2023” on May 17, 2023. Students of group 768-1 V.T. Kurashvili participated with the report “Digital evaluation of personnel and its influence on personnel security of the company”, A.I. Seredenko - with the report “Necessity of implementation of personnel security in the general educational institution”. Students of groups 761-1, 760-1 P.A. Karpushkina, V.E. Kolenkova, M.A. Semenova, D.D. Zaitsev participated with the report “Software for economic security of the enterprise: analysis of functionality and the possibility of its practical implementation in the educational process”; P.A. Vorontsova, K.S. Orlova, D.S. Filippova, D.D. Zaitsev - with the report “Analysis of modern software products to ensure the economic security of an individual and the subject of the Russian Federation”
  20. Kuznetsova Anastasia Dimitrievna gr. 762-2 student was awarded with the 1st degree diploma at the 2nd All-Russian Olympiad in Economics and Financial Literacy, which was held on May 4, 2023 on the basis of the Vologda State University. Diplomas of II degree were awarded to: Lazakovich Maria Sergeevna gr. 762-1, Semochkina Maria Olegovna gr. 762-2, Gerashchenko Polina Ivanovna gr. 762-2 Dulinets Alexandra Konstantinovna gr. 762-2, Obukhov Ilya Evgenyevich gr. 762-2, Khromin Grigory Alexandrovich gr. 762-1, Menshova Elena Nikolaevna, gr. 762-2. Diplomas of III degree were awarded to: Bosh Ekaterina Vitalievna gr. 762-2, Pechirkina Alyona Andreevna gr. 762-1, Dvoinina Daria Sergeevna gr. 762-1, Sergeeva Anna Sergeevna gr. 762-1, Pushilina Alisa Kirillovna gr. 762-2.
  21. The following students of the Department of Economic Security took prizes in the intra-university student subject competitions and areas of training from February 1 to April 30, 2023: 3rd place - Ashmarov Mark Georgievich, gr. 761-1 in the direction of “Economics for students of economic directions”, 3rd place - Karpova Marina Evgenievna, gr. 760-1 in the direction of “Criminal Law”, 2nd place - Okorokov Danil Evgenievich, gr. 761-1 in the direction of Information Security.
  22. The second places in the sections of the IV Youth Scientific and Practical Conference “Society and Law”, organized by the St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee on April 24-28, in which TUSUR students participated, were taken by the students of the group 760-1 Marina Karpova and Andrey Steinke, the winners in different nominations were Khristina Drozdova gr. 768-1, Julia Pestova gr. 768-1, Julia Bychkova gr. 760-1, Polina Karpushkina gr. 761-1. The team of TUSUR became the winners of the intellectual quiz “Financial Pyramids” held within the framework of the conference.
  23. Awarded diplomas of the I degree for participation in the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental science and technology” 14.04.2023 city Ufa students of group 760-1 Bychkova Yulia Alekseevna, Karpova Marina Evgenievna for the scientific work “Digital globalization as a new stage of the world economy”. Bychkova Yulia A., Karpova M.E., were also awarded diplomas of II degree. Kanunnikova Avelina Olegovna, Milovanova Anastasia Viktorovna, Safenina Maria Olegovna were awarded diplomas of I and II degree.
  24. The winner of the Urals Youth Forum “Cybersecurity in Finance”, which took place from February 13 to 16, 2023 in Yekaterinburg, was the TUSUR team, which included Svetlana Chudina, a student of the Department of Economic Security. They adequately presented the project on protection of bank clients from cyber fraud with the help of video identification. The participants of the forum were also a team of students of the Department of Economic Security: Khristina Drozdova gr. 768-1, Darya Gapon gr. 769-2 with the project “Detection and prevention of incidents of telephone fraud using traffic analysis by artificial intelligence”.
  25. Diploma of III degree at the XI Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and practice: project activity - from idea to implementation - 2022”, which was held October 17 to November 27, 2022, in Section 8 “Management in social and economic systems”, received students of the Department of Economic Security Bychkova Julia Alekseevna gr. 760-1, Milovanova Anastasia Viktorovna gr. 760-1.  
  26. Student Svetlana Alexandrovna Chudina was awarded the Diploma of II degree for winning the stage “Solving Case Tasks” at the V All-Russian Student Olympiad of Educational Organizations of Higher Education in the specialty “Economic Security”. The Olympiad was held in Chelyabinsk in the Higher School of Economics and Management of South Ural State University from November 24 to 27, 2022. Vladislav Tamazievich Kurashvili and Khristina Yurievna Drozdova, students of group 768-1 of the Economic Security Department, were awarded certificates of participation.
  27. Diploma of III degree was awarded to the student of the Department of Economic Security 768-1 group Svetlana Alexandrovna Chudina for the report “Analysis of the dynamics of economic security indicators of the Tomsk region in the period 2019 - 2021” at the VI All-Russian Conference of Young Researchers “Economic Security: Financial, Legal and IT Aspects” (ConfES-2022), which was held on November 10, 2022.
Head of the department
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Address: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, 410

Campus phone: 2965

E-mail: polina.a.shelupanova@tusur.ru


Address: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, 410

Campus phone: 2962

Working hours: Monday-Saturday from 8.30 to 17.30, lunch from 13.00 to 14.00; Sunday - day off.

Areas of training

Training direction Profile
Economic security (38.05.01)